Saturday, 20 November 2010




The Xcode toolset is Apple’s integrated suite of software development tools that includes compilers and applications, together with an extensive set of programming libraries and interfaces. The centerpiece of these tools is the Xcode application, which provides an elegant, powerful user interface for creating and managing software development projects. (Elsewhere in this document, the name Xcode usually refers to the Xcode application.)
If you’re new to using Xcode and you want to develop applications for Apple products, reading this document is a good way to get started. This document gives you an overview of the main features in Xcode and a hands-on introduction to creating an application. To get the most out of this tutorial, you should already be familiar with C programming and the Mac OS X user interface. You don’t need any previous experience developing software for Apple products.
To follow the instructions in this document, you must install Xcode on your computer. To download the latest version of the Xcode installer package, visit the ADC Developer Tools website.

Organization of This Document

This document contains the following chapters:
  • “Xcode Features Overview” explores the major features by looking at an existing Xcode project. This chapter will help you master Xcode terminology and get familiar with Xcode’s layout so that you’ll be ready to create your own project.
  • “Xcode Workflow Tutorial” shows how to create a Cocoa version of a Hello World application. The tutorial is designed to show you the workflow that you'll use for creating your own software—from creating a project to getting an application to run. You'll also see how to fix compile-time errors and get an introduction to the debugger.
  • “Recommended Reading for Xcode Developers” points out some of the  most important resources for each phase of development—from the design of your software product to its delivery. 
  • “Finding and Viewing Documentation” provides an overview of the ways you can access, search, and view Apple’s developer documentation from within Xcode.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Adam Smith is outdated and obsolete way of economy, I am Zikalkis SG (I do it), and on these two schools ( Keynesians and Austrians ), my take is, that they are limited in scope and restricted in their helplessness, so I invented a word „proconomy“, namely, involving economy of the presumed god Zikalkis the Proorietor of Universe and introducing its part of GDP, production, assets and resources as underlying for a new, AAAA benchmarked, universal reserve currency called: „Zik“ = 100$. So, as you already know, ecology is more expensive than democracy. "Not a cent under a Zillion" is motto of Zikalkis The Secular God, in prospect.
    I am doing being Zikalkis, a secular and universal god.
    My job, by default, is to guide and to universalize world's leaders.
    Since it is time for preparation for campaign for national presidential election in USA, I feel free to join my efforts in joint venture with future leaders to complement to them before they assume office and after they set on their presidency.
    I googled your sites, at first, then I went to see competitors and peers, so I informed all that I am readily available for co-running with any of you or to all of you. You can vote and participate on my blogs and sites to explore it and test waters.... freedom is unspoiled liberty vs. libertine, so we have to defend and protect it .... state protects both but on national basis and level, thus they enter in trap of apprehending all nation, as seen in Patriot Act, etc. .... I am involved in worlds activities to rise it to universal levels .... world needs secular god, USA also .... for raise demand and for elegant solutions of problems.
    So far, nobody has expressed consent for co-running, but it doesn't preclude that I have to cease doing my job, what is to follow my intuition as of a secular god.
    Henceforth, you can visit my blogs and get insight in my paradigm.
    Thanks .... bye bye .... Zikalkis.
    Else where, I got a printer on USB, so I can improve my activities.
    I abandoned going to chat on atp site, but it is temporary only, until I upgrade my chat filters. Basically, it is way to omit every fourth letter of a word.
